Post by rorrik on Mar 11, 2016 19:02:35 GMT
rorrik I informed Morgan of your post, and this is his live reaction to it. I touched it up a little, but hope you enjoy it as much as he and I enjoyed reading your story. www.dropbox.com/s/n8fe2ei3qcmulid/Final%20Countdown%20Special.mp3?dl=0P.S. We definitely still talk about the labyrinth when we record/talk to each other, and may just randomly name our recording files Rotating Labyrinth Ep (make up increasing number), haha I've been catching up on the episodes after a long hiatus and that DMnastics was probably the most flattering thing that has ever happened to me. I'm glad you guys enjoyed it so much. It really spurred me to get serious about that project again. The story sounds so much better when Morgan reads it. Can I have him read everything I write as I write it just to make me want to keep going?
Post by joatmoniac on Mar 12, 2016 7:12:00 GMT
The story sounds so much better when Morgan reads it. Can I have him read everything I write as I write it just to make me want to keep going? If I had a dollar for every time I have thought or said those words I could likely quit my day job, haha.